Karl Marx and The Communist Manifesto

I know I should probably talk about what I'm thankful for, but I just finished reading Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto, and I just had to say what I'm NOT thankful for. Judging by the title of this post, I think you know what I mean.

I know I don't need to tell you that Communism (on a mass scale that is) is a bad thing and that it doesn't work, but part of my school work is to write about what I read, and I decided I'd put my writing in a post.

First off I'd like to explain my comment in parentheses above. Communism on a national, state, county, or any group of more than say... 20 people, for that matter, will not survive. There must be a common bond between every individual in a Communist society. If there isn't, someone will get lazy. In a family setting Communism is used every day (not in the strictest sense of the term, but bear with me). A family has a common bond: that of love and care for one another. 

For example, a father goes to work every day and supplies his family with income. His young children are not able to go to work every day so they are dependents. In a nation ruled by Communism, this would not last long. However, this father is bound to care for and feed his children. He is giving according his ability (out of love and commitment), his children are taking according to their need. Eventually, this father will retire, or will become too sick to provide. At that point, hopefully his children will be able to provide for him in his old age. Now the children are giving according to their ability ( out of love and commitment) and the father is taking according to his need.

The common bond is Love, Care, and Commitment.

Naturally, this isn't exactly the same as the purest form of Communism as suggested by Marx, but you get the point.

Also, there are other common bonds. There are some hippie communes in the backwoods of Missouri where everybody gardens, has long hair and plays drums around the campfire. The common bond here is a particular belief. that belief may be a religion, a view of the environment, it my even be belief in Communism itself! But as I said before, these groups are rarely over 20 people and if they are, they usually don't last long.

If you disagree, please comment, I'd love to hear from you.

And now onto the atrocious statements made by Marx in his book.

when talking about how the current (The Manifesto was written in several editions over the mid 1800s, so keep in mind what "current" means here) general system of economics and government in Europe, Marx states:

"there are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality..."

He then goes on to say that in order to establish Communism as a form of government, you must first use Socialism.

"Of course, in the beginning, this [That is, Communism] cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and o the conditions of bourgeois [that is, the land-owners and upper class] production; by means of measures therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionizing the mode of production. 
These measures will of course be different in different countries.
Nevertheless, in the most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable:

1.  Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public 
2.  A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3.  Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4.  Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5.  Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a nationally 
bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6.  Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands 
of the State.
7.  Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; 
the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the 
soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8.  Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, 
especially for agriculture.
9.  Combination of agriculture with the manufacturing industries; gradual 
abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more 
equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's 
factory labor in it's present form. Combination of education with 
industrial production &c., &c."

Heavy graduated income tax? Free education in public schools? Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels? Equal liability of all to labour? I don't know about you, but it seems like we're living in a very socialistic society! Now keep in mind it took 150 years for these few of the ten points to become part of American society, and it may take some time to have all ten of these points to become reality, but still! 

A 150 year old recommendation coming true is FRIGHTENING!!

And just to prove that Marx never read a bible ( and was a nut):

"Nothing is easier than to give Christian asceticism a Socialist tinge. Has not Christianity declaimed against private property, against marriage, against the State? Has it not preached in the place of these, charity and poverty, celibacy and mortification of the flesh, monastic life and Mother Church?"

Oh, and one last thing; the last 6 words in the infamous "The Communist Manifesto":



-Graydon L


SamuelY said...

Howdy Graydon,

Let's say that I disagree with you when you say that Communism does NOT work. Are you saying that people can't work together? We see quite the opposite in our everyday lives.

I would like to point out to you that Communism does work. It is essentially what was practiced by the tribal peoples of North America and Africa for thousands of years and it has served them very well. In our modern world, I would point to the People's Republic of China. Here is a system that feeds the most populated country in the world, and keeps everyone working too. They are one of the top manufacturing countries in the world!

You also failed to mention the benefits of communism. It is the only way that all men can be created equal. It destroys the class warfare and puts everyone on an equal, fair plane. It makes sure that no man will starve or be deprived of the essentials of life. It also removes the laziness of a nation by putting everyone to work.

Communism will survive and it WORKS!

Graydon L said...

I don't know much about the Native
American Indian tribes, but I'm sure that when you killed a deer, you weren't forced to split it up and give some to everybody in the tribe. Sure, if someone was starving you'd give them some deer meat, but the point is, in true communism, the government (in this case the chief I suppose) would orchestrate all giving and taking of goods between individuals.

In that sense, the Native Americans have never used Communism as a form of government.

Communism does destroy classes, however, it does so in the sense that no one can ever rise in the ranks! It doesn't matter if you work hard or not, "Big Brother" will "take care" of you. If this is the case, why work hard?

In a capitalist society, competition keeps people working hard! More is accomplished sooner, and good work is usually rewarded. Maybe some people get rich through crime, but most do so with honest hard work and a few good ideas.

For an example of Communism vs. Capitalism, I would direct you to the length of time the USSR was successful. 1922 to the late 1980s, is not a long time in a broad view of history. However, the Unites States of America has long been the model of capitalism and freedom.

Also, the Soviet Union was never truly "Communist". Socialism was the ultimate end there. In all of history there as never been a true Communistic government. Time after time we see Socialism, but never Communism.

This is proof in and of itself to the failure of Communism.

Human nature, inherently sinful and selfish keeps Communism from working.

Anonymous said...

You stated "A 150 year old recommendation coming true is FRIGHTENING!!". I am curious if you trully believe we should treat our working class as slave labor? Instead of being in school reading this book should you be working in a factor since you were 10 years old? Working for a loaf of bread per day? Should we bring back the Robber Barron's that ran their monopolys with an iron fist makeing sure of no small business or compition. Do you really hate you fellow man so much that you wish him into indetured servitude? I agree that communism can not work but to suggest that all socalist programs are bad is just pure evil on you part. Which socialist programs would you suggest we eliminate first? The Police, Fire Department, Publiblic Parks, Public Golf Coarses, US Court System, Public Defenders, SBA, FHA? You should really study history before you write, do you trully understand the hell that americans had to live through durring the days of the Robber Barron before those socialist laws and programs were put in placed by people that fought and died so you could have a better life?

Graydon L said...

First off, I have to say the only reason I have published your comment is because I have not had a discussion with a socialist for a while and I like to keep my skills sharp. Normally, I would not have published your comment. I don't take to being called evil, no one does.

Now I'll delve into the argument. You say that before the laws and social programs were in place America was dominated by robber barons, child labor, low wages, and a general "hellish" existence. However, I will point out that you have just described the conditions in Socialist Russia.

Also, the idea that so called "robber barons" treated the working class like slaves is a myth. Maybe there were a few businessmen who cheated their way to the top, but you cannot classify all business owners with the derogative title of "robber baron". The robber baron is a thing of the USSR, communist China and Fascist Germany.

I will also point out, that if there are no companies, there are no factories, and that means (wait for it) NO JOBS.

I can also say I'm not against law, Police, the Judicial System, or Firefighters. I am against the deliberate redistribution of wealth by the government. The Bible (the foremost founding document of the US) states very clearly that the government's job is to punish the wrongdoer and reward the righteous. This means that the government should have a military, a police force and a judicial system. But social security, economic stimulus packages, public parks/gold courses do not fall under punishing the wrongdoer or rewarding the righteous so therefore it's not the government's job.

One note on public parks and golf courses: a rule of thumb is "If everybody owns it, NOBODY owns it". what characterizes public parks? Trash. Why? Because nobody cares; if it's not my property, why should I care how it looks?

If you would care to bring any other arguments to the table, or if I have not addressed something you wanted me to talk about, please leave another comment. Thank you.


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