OK, now it’s official: I am a sucker for these things.
You know how it works..... put "X's" in the boxes in things you've done copy and paste to your blog!
Growing up/now:
[ ] Own/have owned a denim jumper
[X] You were at least 13 when you got your first "trendy" haircut
[ ] Everything in your closet at some time was referred to as modest
[ ] You do/have tucked things in that shouldn't be tucked in
[ ] You have been a member of at least 3 co-ops
[X] You were a true 16 and never been kissed
[X] Your mom drives a van of some sort
[ ] You have at least one childhood picture where you, your mom, and all you siblings matched
[ ] At some point in your life you were more comfortable with adults than kids your own age
[X] Have studied ways to defend your beliefs, debate, and/or create laws
[ ] Used uber conservative ABeka curriculum
[X] You use big words that most adults could not use in conversation
[X] You can use the words sublime, epiphany, and cognicent correctly
[X] You have a favorite word.
[X] You have an understanding of Latin root words and how to use them
[X] People from the outside world are referred to as "public schoolers"
[ ]You or one of your siblings knits.
[X] You laugh at the decline in literacy in America
[X] You score constantly higher than "public schoolers" on standardized tests.
[X] You have no concept of cafeteria food
[X] Family vacations are/ can be referred to as "Field Trips"
[X] Traveling on said vacations have included stopping at historical site markers along the way
[X] You have never been in a public elementary school, middle school, or high school during regular school hours
[X] You have gone to or been involved in a homeschool convention
[X] You read books on a regular basis
[ ] You have taken part in a political protest
[ ] You were a Pride and Prejudice fan before the movie
[X] You were a Lord of the Rings fan prior to the movie
[X] You were a Chronicles of Narnia fan before the movie
[X] You speak a language other than English
[ ] You dream of dating characters from books instead of celebrities
Total so far: 20
It (has been) assumed that you:
[ ] Have won many spelling bees
[X] Have no social life
[ ] Have no friends of the opposite gender
[X] Are outstandingly smart
[ ] Are extremely inept
[ ] Only listen to classical music
[ ] Play piano or the violin
[X] Do not own a pair of trendy jeans.
[X] Have no knowledge of drugs or alcohol
[X] Don't date, only court.
[ ] Have never been to a "party"
[ ] Know no other beliefs other than what your family believes
Total so far: 25
You have been asked more than 10 times:
[X] If you wear pajamas to school
[X] If you get perfect grades because your mom grades you
[X] If your mom teaches you or if somebody else's mom does
[X] How do you meet people
[X] Why you aren't in school
[X] If you get days off whenever you want
[X] If you're going to be homeschooled through college
[X] If you have a big family
[X] What your parents are protecting you from
[ ] To quote something famous
[ ] For the answer, because supposedly homeschoolers always have all the answers
Total so far: 34
You have rebelled by:
[ ] Listening to "worldly music"
[ ] Wearing black fingernail polish
[ ] Wearing tight clothes or letting your midriff show
[ ] Watching a *gasp* PG-13 movie
[ ] Breaking dress code
[ ] Listening to music with a beat
Final Total: 34
1-10 You're not really a homeschooler...you just do school at home
11-21 You're a homeschooler, but not what the world expects
22-32 You're a homeschooler
33-60 You probably wouldn't have facebook to begin with...but congrats you're the stereotypical homeschooler
That's funny :)
So what's your favorite word? Aeronautical?
Well, yes that is a good one, but I'm more of a fan of perpendicular and pineapple.
I like "p" words :-)
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