I love Macs!
Overhauling Our New Yard..
6 years ago
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed... Romans 12:2
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You really do, don't you? ;)
THAT, is the understatement of the century :-)
Okay, so what makes them so special?
oh boy, don't get me started!
The most obvious thing is the operating system, which is much easier to figure out and get used to. It's much cleaner than Windows, faster than Windows, and it doesn't give you all sorts of weird error messages in strange computer language (I get those all the time). Another thing that makes them so easy to use is that all the programs for them are made by the same people so everything works seamlessly together and everything is compatible with everything else!
Oh, and one more thing; there has only ever been one virus detected for Macs. As opposed to the thousands and thousands of viruses for PCs (I get lots of those too)
I think I know what you mean about the compatibility. Sounds pretty cool.
So it sounds like you've used one before. Or obsessively researched them, lol.
Both. My brother has two, and I spend a LOT of time on the apple web site.
Uhhh. What's there to do on the Apple website? How long is a "lot of time"? I mean, I can drool over iPods for a couple hours, but...
Well they've got loads of videos and help sections, so I just watch those and then read the FAQ stuff.
I see. You have a lot of time on your hands it seems ;)
I looked at the website, and I see the appeal.
Plus, they're pretty... :D (and pretty expensive!)
and you wonder why you got a 9/10 on the "how geek are you" FB test!
What can I say? I <3 Macs!
Lol, watch out, Melissa has evidence!
Facebook will be the death of me... curses ;-D
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