My Trip to Northwest Trek

Here's that post I promised!

Northwest Trek is like a zoo exept just for animals native to the northwest.

Thanks to Matt B for taking these pics and letting me use them!

I'm not sure when Matt took this picture, but it look awsome so I put it up anyway.

Here's some wild animals ;-)

This is a tree that was cut down back in the seventies. They cut a round out of it and put under a little awning thingy with little metal plates marking famous events, the tree's planting being one of them.

If you can't tell, that's an otter.

They've also got this "tour bus" that drives around in a 400+ acher free range area.

-Graydon L


Anonymous said...

Gee wiz, looks like those one wild animals are wearing jeans and shoes! Talk about domesticated animals! ;)

Anonymous said...

very cool pictures! did you really see all those?

Graydon L said...

Daniel - Thanks for the comment! LOL :-)

Amy - Yup, Northwest Trek is just one big zoo. It was a lot of fun.

-Graydon :-)

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