Highlight #37

Hey y'all, in order to whet your tastes a bit, I made this little trailer for the AI movie coming up
(See Highlight #33). I won't tell you what it's about because that would spoil the effect. Be sure to have you speakers plugged in! You’ll want to hear the music!

I hope you enjoyed watching it! I sure enjoyed making it!

Mom and I went to the WSDOL (Washington State Department Of Licensing) today, no, not for a driver license (I wish) but just to get me some picture ID for me to carry around so I don't have to use my passport all the time. I have 5 words to some up my experience at the DOL: "it takes a long time" If you have a driver's license you know what I mean. and hour and a half waiting for your number, another hour to give the guy your info, another half hour to get you picture taken and get out of there! Definitely NOT a pleasant experience, but I think you gathered that from the above rant :-)

-Graydon L

I hope everyone has started working on their story for the 100th post contest. you still have time, but you'd better get some ideas flowin'!

Please email your story, as well as your name to: GLhighlights100@yahoo.com


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Graydon's Fav Classical and Movie Soundtrack Music

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