Junior on his little "sheep elevator"
When we got back from the Ft. Nisqually, Dad had bought a whole pile of Beauty-bark for the garden, and we helped him spread it around:
That shot makes me look like such a wimp!
As you can see, I actually did have a packed day. I would have liked to read my book, "The Thousand Year War in the Mid-east, and how it affects you today" by Richard Maybury. Pretty good, It's by the same author as WWI and WWII, as seen in my Shelfari Shelf, but it's not quite as good.
Anyway, Keep your eye open two weeks from now for a Video "Movie Review Monday" on Prince Caspian! We're going to see it on opening day, so I can post a review on it two days after on Monday. Also, Once I see the entire Film, I'll go through the trailer with you in a video and sort things out about locations and people, that sort of thing.
Prince Caspian Trailer Overview "release date": Saturday, May 17th
Prince Caspian Movie Review "release date": Monday, May 19th
See Ya'!
-Graydon L
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